You are welcome at Immanuel.
Sun., Sept 1
9:30am Coffee Cafe, Confirmation Class
9:40am Choir
10:30am Morning Worship, Children's Sunday School
Sat., Sept 7
8am to 12pm Clothing Boutique and Flea Market open
Sun., Sept 8
9:30am Coffee Cafe
9:40am Choir
10:30am Morning Worship, Children's Sunday School
11:45am Church Council Monthly Meeting
5:30pm Youth Group in Fellowship Hall
Sat., Sept 14
8am to 12pm Clothing Boutique and Flea Market open
Sun, Sept 15
9:30am Coffee Cafe, Confirmation & Reaffirmation Class
9:40am Choir
10:30am Morning Worship, Rally Day! & Children's Sunday School
Newsletter articles due today to Debbie Meyer.
Sun, Sept 22
9:30am Coffee Cafe, Reaffirmation Class
9:40am Choir
10:30am Morning Worship, Children's Sunday School
11:45am Evening Circle Meeting
Sun, Sept 29
9:30am Coffee Cafe
9:40am Choir
10:30am Morning Worship with Guest Musicians, Children's Sunday School