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My First Year at Immanuel

How I got here and how its going.

I was elected pastor at Immanuel on July 2nd, one year ago. I am often asked how it is going for Immanuel and me. Honestly, it has been a terrific year!

Left: I’m in the white shirt, standing with three of Immanuel’s Church Council representatives at the time of my election in the church sanctuary. Right: Signing my name to the covenant contract that we created together.

Becoming Immanuel’s pastor was a tremendous gift to me. I was at a crossroads in life three months before being elected pastor. I completed my doctorate in ministry and, as a matter of integrity, returned my ministry credentials to my previous denomination, which had shaped and formed me. My reasoning for the change was my belief that God’s salvation is for all people, meaning that LGBTQIA+, or queer folks, can experience salvation and thrive as Christians. Therefore, I no longer aligned with traditional beliefs on this matter.

I was unsure what was next for me. Being a woman preacher, which is not popular in many circles of belief, plus adding on a pastor’s heart for queer folks, too…did not lend a very good outlook for placement in ministry.

Interestingly enough, during this crossroads, I was asked to fill the pulpit for Immanuel, which was without a pastor. I explained that I was no longer a credentialed minister, which was brand new news to them. In a surprise turn of events, a conversation began about the possibilities of joining the United Church of Christ and pastoring Immanuel. The Spirit of the Lord was creating possibilities.

Immanuel received me into church membership on Pentecost Sunday last year. A few months later, on July 2nd, 2023, I was elected pastor at Immanuel UCC, Wright City. It happened so fast!

Together, we created a beautiful covenantal contract between the pastor and the people of Immanuel with freedom in how we will love and minister together to be a radiant church. I love the covenant we have made!

A favorite picture from my first year at Immanuel. A child brought her puppy to church. She did not want her new puppy to be alone at home. Awww!

Immanuel takes good care of me, and I am very grateful. She empowers me as a pastor to pray, study the scriptures, visit the sick and shut in, counsel, be present to the community, and freely preach and teach from the Bible. 

This year, I have enjoyed ministry and learning alongside the people who are Immanuel. She is blessed with terrific people who are truly remarkable. Her people are active as community leaders and volunteers on the Wright City RII School Board, Kiwanis’s Sports Closet program, Wright City Parks Department, Wright City Community Food Pantry, Lions Club, Wright City Cemetery Historical Society, Wright City Chamber of Commerce, AA, non-profit leaders, and caregivers.

Immanuel’s people work and contribute to the local economy. They are wonderful business owners, real estate agents, educators, school admin and support, bankers/tellers, farmers, experts, handymen, mechanics, customer service reps, nurses, bus and truck drivers, and so on. If there is a need, someone knows what to do.

Trivia Night. Our table with local friends was a hippie theme. I was Janis Joplin :) Yes, we won prizes. So. Much. Fun!

I am especially encouraged that Immanuel enjoys rest and play and expects me to do the same. It's true that all work and no play makes me a dull pastor. ;) To be honest, balancing rest and play with work isn't easy and sometimes feels just beyond my grasp, but the struggle to create a balance is worth it for the sake of my mental health. 

In all of our work, rest, and play, I appreciate that Immanuel wants to love all people. Immanuel has a big heart. 

She has expressed love to sponsor kids' sports teams in the city parks program, and some even served as coaches. She has hosted fantastic gatherings at the local senior living center and volunteered at the winter warming center. Her fellowship hall hosts the Wright City Community Food Pantry Lenten Fish Fry annually. Immanuel created an Advent Guide called Immanuel: God With Us to share her love for Jesus through scriptures and art. On the first two Saturdays monthly, she offers affordable clothing and houseware at Immanuel’s Flea Market and Clothing Boutique. She raffles handmade quilts to benefit local non-profits and other expressions of loving ministry.

Immanuel went bowling together! I did not win, but that wasn’t as important as the laughter and food we shared.

As Immanuel strives to be a place where everyone belongs, we are aware we can love better. Ministry opportunities loom around us. These opportunities appear larger than we understand how to accomplish. The Lord always leads us on paths that are too big for us, so we rely on God's strength to do the work, not our own. This is not an excuse to downplay our partnership with God, but an opportunity to understand our endless resources as God’s children.

I am reminded of what David said to the giant, “You come to me with sword, and spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty.” 1 Samuel 17:45. Immanuel knows she doesn't have the latest in “church armor.” We simply minister in the name of the Lord Almighty. And that becomes powerful!

Just as my pastoral journey to Immanuel depended on the Lord’s resources to bring us together and flourish, I trust the Lord's faithful name to lead us into another year to further fulfill our God-call to create spaces where everyone belongs.

On to year two!

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